Years 11/12 curriculum in Queensland for home economics-related subjects
The Years 11/12 curriculum for home economics-related subjects is developed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority and covers, for example: Design, Food & Nutrition, Health, Early Childhood Studies, Fashion, and Hospitality.
Years 11-12 curriculum
The Australian Curriculum provides curricula for 15 senior-secondary subjects across English, Mathematics, Science, History and Geography as the agreed and common base for the development of state and territory senior-secondary courses. For all other subjects, including those relevant to Home Economics, the states and territories develop their own curricula. The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) develops curricula for these other subjects for Queensland.
Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
In general, the Years 11/12 syllabuses developed by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) are classified as:
- General syllabuses, which are suited to students who are interested in pathways beyond senior secondary schooling that lead to tertiary studies, and to pathways for vocational education and training, and for work. They include Extension subjects. Results in General subjects contribute to the award of a QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) and may contribute to an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank).
- Applied syllabuses, which are suited to students who are primarily interested in pathways beyond senior secondary schooling that lead to vocational education and training, or to work. Results in Applied subjects contribute to the award of a QCE and one Applied subject result may contribute to an ATAR.
Years 11/12 General syllabuses that are most relevant to Home Economics include:
Years 11/12 Applied syllabuses that are most relevant to Home Economics include: